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Youth Empowerment Awareness

Youth clubs are there to help young people understand the world around them. They are there to advise young people with their future, to talk about the past and even help them with the present. Many clubs hold different sessions to educate young people about different topics regarding their health and worries. Youth clubs normally have a leader youth worker who normally organizes trips or workshops for the young people to contribute. They can alsohold charity events and even volunteer to do many different things. Youth clubs will sometimes help young people to gain qualifications for their life ahead.

Our SAJAR HEALTH EDUCATIONAL AND CHARITABLE TRUST helps the village people in T.Sedapatty, Kullapuram, Silukuvarpatty and Anaikaraipatty. The following members ( Mr.Karthik,Mr.Gurupandi,Mr.Sonai ) were initiated a youth club formation programme by announcing the village people about the importance of youth clubs and its benefits among the society. Sajar health Educational and charitable trust helps young people through:

  • Providing training and development to the 100 village peoples that run their member youth clubs.
  • Delivering advice on running youth clubs.
  • Developing practical resources and information.
  • Influencing national and regional youth policy.


On 07.07.17 our Sajar Health Educational and Charitable Trust conducted the Yoga awareness programme for students at T.Krishnapuram. The Yoga Instructor for this yoga awareness programme is Miss.Priyadharshini, The Yoga awareness programme started at the college premises. The instructor explained the importance of Yoga in day today life. The following explanation about Yoga was given in detail.


Yoga uses breathing techniques, exercise and meditation. It helps to improve health and happiness. Yoga is the Sanskrit word for union. Patanjali was a pioneer of classical yoga. He defined yoga as "the cessation of the modification of the mind". Yoga poses are great to strengthen and relax the body, however there's a lot more to Yoga than that. Derived from the Sankrit word „yuj‟ which means „to unite or integrate‟, yoga is a 5,000-year-old Indian body of knowledge. Yoga is all about harmonizing the body with the mind and breath through the means of various breathing exercises, yoga poses (asanas) and meditation.


The researchers found that yoga outperformed aerobic exercise at improving balance, flexibility, strength, pain levels among seniors, menopausal symptoms, daily energy level, and social and occupation functioning, among other health parameters. Yoga does more than calm you down and make you flexible.

Other physical benefits of yoga include:
  • Increased flexibility.
  • Increased muscle strength and tone.
  • Improved respiration, energy and vitality.
  • Maintaining a balanced metabolism.
  • Weight reduction.
  • Cardio and circulatory health.
  • Improved athletic performance.
  • Protection from injury.

All above explanation were given to students and practical demo was conducted by the trained yoga instructors.


On: 19.11.2016 & 22.11.2016 our Sajar Health Educational and Charitable Trust conducted the Yoga Awareness programme for students at Queen Mary’s Paramedical College, Palanganatham,Madurai.

Yoga Instructor:Miss.Priyadharshini

The Yoga awareness programme started at the college premises. The instructor explained the importance of Yoga in day today life. Yoga practice was given in live manner to the students. Students were framed as 6 groups. Each group was separately given practical training. .The following explanation about Yoga was given in detail.“Living with awareness – Yoga for life with greater joy and productivity”

National Digital Literacy Mission - NDLM

NIELIT is one of the National Level Certifying Agency for Govt. of India's 'National Digital Literacy Mission’ (NDLM). The mission of NDLM scheme is to provide digital literacy to every Indian. Making one person in every family digitally literate is one of the integral components of the Prime Minister’s vision of “Digital India”.

SAJAR HEALTH EDUCATIONAL AND CHARITABLE TRUST joint hands with asian centre for professional skills, Nagercoil in implementing NDLM scheme around Thirumangalam areas. Totally 48 beneficiaries were identified and training given for 1o days and online examination is conducted. Certificates being issued for the passed candidates.

Eligibility Criteria
Level 1 : Non-IT literate - Illiterate and up to 7th standard pass
Level 2 : Non-IT literate with at least 8th standard pass
Age : 14 to 60 years
Course Duration
Level 1 : 20 Hours (Minimum 10 Days and Maximum 30 Days)
Level 2 : 40 Hours (Minimum 20 Days and Maximum 60 Days)
  • Sajar Trust Conducted household survey and digitization of data
  • Selected the beneficiaries eligible under the project and enroled them for the course
  • Imparting the appropriate training course to beneficiaries eligible under the project, including providing course materials
  • Registering the beneficiaries, marking the attendance, and conducting the continuous assessment using the OMA-cum-LMS

Keeping a record of all beneficiaries that enroll in the course, certifying their attendance and ensuring that the beneficiary appears for the examination.